Program monitoring and evaluation

What is the best way to know if your program is being implemented effectively and having a positive impact on stakeholders?

Through a theory of change, development programs designers articulate the inputs and expected outcomes of included activities. To be confident that substantial allocated funds are disbursed in a proper way, you need to regularly track program activities so that they are implemented and results are delivered as envisaged in the program plans and logical frameworks. 

Monitoring allows you to define target indicators, track and document results, and on this basis to direct decision-making and learning processes. You can use the data acquired through monitoring for further program evaluation. 

Program monitoring and evaluation help you and your team learn from previous experiences, improve future results, assure internal and external accountability for the resources and results obtained, make informed decisions and giving necessary information to empower your beneficiaries.

R-Insights offers key support on program monitoring and evaluation, including: 

  • Designing monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
  • Conducting process analysis of development initiatives.
  • Implementing formative and summative mixed method research to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of development programs.
  • Evaluating the coherence of program activities with other similar interventions implemented under the umbrella of the development agenda.

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