Rapid rural appraisal

How can you ensure the optimum involvement of your target segment in your projects and policies, allowing them to share your objectives?

Rapid rural appraisal is used for planning, initiating, and evaluating development interventions. It enables the local people to be able to represent and analyze information about their livelihoods, needs, strengths or other issues, and empowers them through a process of collaborative analysis and learning, enabling the research agencies to rapidly collect that information. This research results in increasingly effective community infrastructure and improved welfare outcomes.

R-Insights conducts rapid rural appraisals that allow you to:

  • Customize interventions according to the needs and conditions of the communities where you work.
  • Refine your methods and activities as information is gathered for monitoring purposes.
  • Enhance follow-up activities and update future projects as a result of what you learned in the evaluations.

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